Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Meta-Ophthalmic Proposal: Seeing Beyond the Eyes

Having studied atheism throughout much of the past year, these are some of my culminating impressions:

The atheist believes that reason is the only machine whereby evidence may be gathered, or, whereby the universe may be downloaded.

I have read that the average person has the ability to differentiate between 10,000,000 different colors when placed side by side.  The atheist is like the blind man who does not fully comprehend with his mind what any of those colors are.  He can hear the words and ideas, but does not know color personally.  He can describe what he may with words, and give examples of different shades, but he has no way of knowing color as personally as one who can see the full spectrum with his own working eyes.  Because color is something that we experience with our eyes, our retina, and our brain, we are limited in knowledge by the colors those embodied tools are able to comprehend.

When experiencing God, we do not have to rely on our physical senses.  We may spend our whole lives having truth explained to us in every way, shape, or form which is conceivable by the minds and tongues of man, but until we learn to open our spiritual eyes and see for ourselves, we cannot know God in this life.

It is the easiest thing for mortals to forget that our spirits know God as he is, for we have seen him, and we all will again.  

It seems that as we learn to see beyond our mortal eyes, with the eyes that are already used to seeing God, then we will be pure enough to confront Deity with our eyes while yet in this life.

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen." 
~ Moroni 7:48

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Beginner's Guide To The Existential Myth

Atoms obey the laws of quanta.  Molecules obey the laws of chemistry. Chemicals form DNA, and replicate to form instructions for our cellular mechanisms.  Cells multiply and work together to form organs and glands, each of which performs a specific function.  The organs, as a whole and simultaneously, receive procedural information from the brain in order to stay ordered and run properly. All that said, I can't help but wonder at what point life enters the equation?

I believe that science, in all its progress, has created nothing but guesses and theories in its search for an answer to the above.  This question needs a myth.  Contrary to popular understanding, a myth is not simply something that is untrue or something that can be "busted".  The word mythos in Greek, refers to a story or paradigm which serves to explain (based on this definition the aforementioned television program would be better off known as "Myth Makers").

Simply put, a myth is an explanation.

Often myths explain the physical world around us, and sometimes they demystify abstract ideas that plague the hearts and minds of those who suffer the pains and joys of the human condition.  My pontification concerning the Greeks has a purpose, one which will be elucidated more fully in posts throughout this blog.  I speak of them, in this instance, because I believe that their myth is the closest mankind has come in answering the questions which lie at the heart of the human condition:

1) Where did I come from? => What is the origin of my life? => (Who was I?)
2) What is the purpose of said life? =>What am I to do while I am here? => (Who am I?)
3) Where am I to end up? => How do I get there? => (Who will I be?)

It is clear, that all of these questions, at their root, are existential in nature.  This blog will, in large measure, be dedicated to answering the above questions.  I have chosen this forum to catalog my personal altercations with these and many other, less broad, existential quandaries for two simple reasons:

   I. Answers may only be received when asked; and heard, while listening.

II. Neither answer nor question may be received or asked while completely alone.

I hope that all who read will comment and help me in my search.  That is only a hope, not a requirement.  In my attempt to ask and listen, I will use many forms of media, literature, and rhetoric including: music, art, dance, poetry, prose, humor, and film.  So, please join me now in my journey towards a greater perception of Self, a greater understanding of Life and Humanity, and, ultimately, a greater knowledge of God.